Package 'easyVerification'

Title: Ensemble Forecast Verification for Large Data Sets
Description: Set of tools to simplify application of atomic forecast verification metrics for (comparative) verification of ensemble forecasts to large data sets. The forecast metrics are imported from the 'SpecsVerification' package, and additional forecast metrics are provided with this package. Alternatively, new user-defined forecast scores can be implemented using the example scores provided and applied using the functionality of this package.
Authors: MeteoSwiss [aut, cph], Jonas Bhend [cre], Jacopo Ripoldi [ctb], Claudia Mignani [ctb], Irina Mahlstein [ctb], Rebecca Hiller [ctb], Christoph Spirig [ctb], Mark Liniger [ctb], Andreas Weigel [ctb], Joaqu'in Bedia Jimenez [ctb], Matteo De Felice [ctb], Stefan Siegert [ctb], Katrin Sedlmeier [ctb]
Maintainer: Jonas Bhend <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.4.5
Built: 2025-02-19 03:44:07 UTC

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Change Function Default Arguments


Override default arguments of functions. This functionality is used to deal with the updated default representation in the SpecsVerification package (>= v0.5).


changearg(FUN, ...)



name of function


arguments to be overriden (e.g. format = 'member')

Calculate Fair Ranked Probability Skill Score Against Climatological Reference Forecast.


Calculate the fair ranked probability skill score (fair RPSS) between an ensemble forecasts and a climatological reference forecast derived from the observations. The categories of the climatological reference forecast have been defined based on the distribution of the observations and the exact forecast probabilities are known. The 'fair' correction therefore should not be applied to the reference forecast.


climFairRpss(ens, ens.ref, obs, format = c("category", "member"))



N*K matrix. ens[i,j] is the number of ensemble members that predict category j at time i.


N*K matrix, similar to ens


N*K matrix. obs[i,j] = 1 if category j is observed at time i, 0 otherwise.


additional argument for use with SpecsVerification >= 0.5. Do not change this argument manually (except when using climFairRpss, as standalone function).


A list with the following elements: rpss|skillscore: The value of the skill score. sigma.rpss| The standard deviation of the skill score, approximated by propagation of uncertainty. Please note that the naming changes with the new version of SpecsVerification.

See Also



tm <- toymodel()

## compute RPSS using veriApply
veriApply("climFairRpss", tm$fcst, tm$obs, prob = 1:2 / 3)

Convert to Probability / Category Forecast


convert2prob Converts the continuous ensemble forecast to counts of ensemble members per category. The categories can be defined relative to the ensemble distribution (using prob) or relative to absolute values for the category thresholds (using threshold, see details). prob2thresh converts the relative threshold to absolute thresholds for later processing. expandthresh expands the vector or matrix of thresholds to fit the input data.


  prob = NULL,
  threshold = NULL,
  ref.ind = NULL,
  multi.model = FALSE

prob2thresh(x, prob, ref.ind = NULL, multi.model = FALSE)

expandthresh(threshold, x)



input vector or matrix


thresholds for categorical forecasts (defaults to NULL)


absolute thresholds for categorical forecasts (defaults to NULL)


list of forecast/obs instances to be used to estimate percentile thresholds


logical, are we dealing with initial condition (the default) or multi-model ensembles (see details)?


In case both prob and threshold are set to NULL, the function returns the input x without modification. If prob is set, a matrix with the number of occurrences per class for a given quantile of the full distribution (e.g. temperature above/below the median). If threshold is set, the classes are defined based on the absolute value (e.g. temperature above/below 13 deg. C). Multiple classes are

Only certain formats of threshold and prob are supported. prob has to be a vector with percentile thresholds separating the different classes. threshold can be a vector, matrix or array with the first entry corresponding to the different classes, and the last to the different ensemble members (if present). Thereby, time/forecast varying thresholds can potentially be supplied (although I am not sure this is useful or needed).

If ref.ind is specified, only the specified indices of the input variables are used to estimate the percentile thresholds (prob). If used with threshold, or without anything, ref.ind has no effect.

If multi.model = TRUE, the relative thresholds supplied by prob are ensemble member specific, i.e. are estimated for each ensemble member separately. This is in particular applicable for multi-model ensembles with model dependent biases.


Matrix of occurences per class (i.e. the number of ensemble members per class, or an indicator for the observations)

See Also



tm <- toymodel()

## convert to tercile forecasts (only display first forecast and obs)
convert2prob(tm$fcst, prob = 1:2 / 3)[1, ]
convert2prob(tm$obs, prob = 1:2 / 3)[1, ]

## convert to category forecasts (smaller and larger than 1)
convert2prob(tm$fcst, threshold = 1)[1, ]
convert2prob(tm$obs, threshold = 1)[1, ]

Convert Ensemble Counts to Probabilities


Using plotting positions as described in Wilks (2011), counts of occurrences per forecast category are converted to probabilities of occurrence. For ensembles of size 1 (e.g. verifying observations), the count vector is returned unaltered (corresponding to occurrence probabilities of 0 or 1).


count2prob(x, type = 3)



input matrix of counts from convert2prob


selection of plotting positions (default to 3, see Types)


Matrix of probabilities per category


The types characterize the plotting positions as specified in Wilks (2011). The plotting positions are computed using the following relationship:

p(xi)=i+1an+1ap(x_i) = \frac{i + 1 - a}{n + 1 - a}

where i is the number of ensemble members not exceeding x, and n is the number of ensemble members. The types are characterized as follows:

type description a
1 Weibull 0
2 Bernard and Bos-Levenbach 0.3
3 Tukey 1/3
4 Gumbel 1
5 Hazen 1/2
6 Cunnane 2/5


Wilks, D.S. (2011). Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences (Third Edition). Academic press.

See Also

convert2prob for conversion of continuous forecasts to ensemble counts


tm <- toymodel()

## convert to tercile forecasts (only display first forecast and obs)
count2prob(convert2prob(tm$fcst, prob = 1:2 / 3))[1, ]
count2prob(convert2prob(tm$obs, prob = 1:2 / 3))[1, ]

Ensemble Forecast Verification for Large Data Sets


Set of tools to simplify application of atomic forecast verification metrics for (comparative) verification of ensemble forecasts to large data sets. The forecast metrics are imported from the 'SpecsVerification' package, and additional forecast metrics are provided with this package. Alternatively, new user-defined forecast scores can be implemented using the example scores provided and applied using the functionality of this package.

Generalized Discrimination Score


Computes the generalized discrimination score for ensemble forecasts after (Weigel and Mason, 2011).


Ens2AFC(ens, obs, ...)




n x m matrix of n forecasts for m ensemble members


vector of n verifying observations


additional arguments not used in function (for compatibility)


This function computes the generalized discrimination score for ensemble forecasts with continuous observations as described in Weigel and Mason (2011).


Weigel, A.P., and S.J. Mason (2011). The Generalized Discrimination Score for Ensemble Forecasts. Monthly Weather Review, 139(9), 3069-3074. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-10-05069.1

See Also



tm <- toymodel()
Ens2AFC(tm$fcst, tm$obs)

Correlation with Ensemble Mean


Computes the ensemble mean correlation (Pearson) with the verifying observations.


EnsCorr(ens, obs)



n x k matrix of n forecasts from k ensemble members


n verifying observations

See Also



tm <- toymodel()

## compute correlation directly
EnsCorr(tm$fcst, tm$obs)

## compute correlation using veriApply
veriApply("EnsCorr", tm$fcst, tm$obs)

Ensemble Mean Error


Computes various ensemble mean error scores. EnsMe computes the mean error, EnsMae the mean absolute error, EnsMse the mean squared error, and EnsRmse the square root of the mean squared error (for consistency with the veri package).


EnsError(ens, obs, type)

EnsMe(ens, obs)

EnsMae(ens, obs)

EnsMse(ens, obs)

EnsRmse(ens, obs)



n x k matrix of n forecasts from k ensemble members


n verifying observations


specifying what error metric to compute, one of [me, mae, mse, rmse]

See Also

veriApply, EnsErrorss


# forecast and observations
tm <- toymodel()

# compute the mean bias
EnsError(tm$fcst, tm$obs, type = "me")
# equivalently
EnsMe(tm$fcst, tm$obs)

Ensemble Mean Error Skill scores


Computes various ensemble mean error skill scores. EnsMaess computes the mean absolute error, EnsMsess the mean squared error, and EnsRmsess the square root of the mean squared error.


EnsErrorss(ens, ens.ref, obs, type)

EnsMaess(ens, ens.ref, obs)

EnsMsess(ens, ens.ref, obs)

EnsRmsess(ens, ens.ref, obs)



n x k matrix of n forecasts from k ensemble members


n x l matrix of m reference forecasts from l ensemble members


n verifying observations


specifying what error metric to compute, one of [me, mae, mse, rmse]

See Also

veriApply, EnsError


tm <- toymodel()

## compute RMSE skill score against reference forecast with a bias of +2
EnsErrorss(ens = tm$fcst, ens.ref = tm$fcst + 2, obs = tm$obs, type = "rmse")

## compute skill score using veriApply
veriApply("EnsRmsess", fcst = tm$fcst, obs = tm$obs, fcst.ref = tm$fcst + 2)

Ignorance Score


Computes the ignorance score EnsIgn and skill score EnsIgnss for an interpretation of the ensemble as a probability forecast


EnsIgn(ens, obs, type = 3, ...)

EnsIgnss(ens, ens.ref, obs, type = 3)



n x j matrix of n probability forecasts for j categories


n x j matrix of occurence of n verifying observations in j categories


selection of plotting positions to convert ensemble counts to probabilities (default to 3, see count2prob


additional arguments for consistency with other functions (not used)


n x j matrix of n probability forecasts for j categories


Wilks, D.S. (2011). Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences (Third Edition). Academic press. Jolliffe, I.T. and D.B. Stephenson (2012). Forecast Verification. A Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science. Wiley-Blackwell.

See Also

veriApply, count2prob


tm <- toymodel()

## compute ignorance score for tercile forecasts
veriApply("EnsIgn", fcst = tm$fcst, obs = tm$obs, prob = 1:2 / 3)

## compute skill score
veriApply("EnsIgnss", fcst = tm$fcst, obs = tm$obs, prob = 1:2 / 3)

Area Under the ROC Curve


Computes the area under the ROC curve given the observations. EnsRoca computes the Area Under the Curve (AUC). For ease of interpretation, EnsRocss converts the AUC to the range from -1 to 1 with zero indicating a forecast with no discrimination.


EnsRoca(ens, obs, use.easy = FALSE)

EnsRocss(ens, obs, use.easy = FALSE)



n x j matrix of n probability forecasts for j categories


n x j matrix of occurence of n verifying observations in j categories


logical, should implementation of standard errors as implemented in easyVerifcation be used (see below)?

Standard Error

If used with SpecsVerification >= 0.5, the standard errors as implemented in the function SpecsVerification::Auc are used.

If use.easy = TRUE or when used with an older version of SpecsVerification, the standard error σ\sigma of the ROC area skill score is given by the following formula after Broecker (2012).

σ2=13(1N0+1N1+1N0N1)\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{3} \left(\frac{1}{N_0} + \frac{1}{N_1} + \frac{1}{N_0 N_1} \right)

Where σ\sigma is the standard error, N1N_1 the number of events, and N0N_0 the number of non-events in category i.


Br\"ocker, J. (2012). Probability forecasts. Forecast Verification: A Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science, Second Edition, 119-139.

See Also

veriApply, EnsRocss


tm <- toymodel()

## compute ROC area for tercile forecasts using veriApply
veriApply("EnsRoca", fcst = tm$fcst, obs = tm$obs, prob = 1:2 / 3)

Spread to Error Ratio


Computes the spread to error ratio (SPR) for probabilistic forecasts - not unlike the functions in SpecsVerification. SPR > 1 indicates overdispersion (underconfidence), whereas SPR < indicates overconfidence in the forecasts.


EnsSprErr(ens, obs)



n x k matrix of n forecasts for k ensemble members


vector with n verifying observations


Here we define the spread-error rate as the square root of the ratio of mean ensemble variance to the mean squared error of the ensemble mean with the verifying observations

See Also

veriApply, FairSprErr


tm <- toymodel()
EnsSprErr(tm$fcst, tm$obs)

## compute spread to error ratio using veriApply
veriApply("EnsSprErr", fcst = tm$fcst, obs = tm$obs)

Fair Spread to Error Ratio


Compute the spread to error ratio (SPR) for probabilistic forecasts - not unlike the functions in SpecsVerification. SPR > 1 indicates overdispersion (underconfidence), whereas SPR < 1 indicates overconfidence in the forecasts.


FairSprErr(ens, obs)



n x k matrix of n forecasts for k ensemble members


vector with n verifying observations


Here we define the spread-error rate as the square root of the ratio of mean ensemble variance to the mean squared error of the ensemble mean with the verifying observations. We inflate the intra ensemble sample variance to account for the finite ensemble size as in Weigel (2011).


Weigel, A.P. (2012). Ensemble forecasts. Forecast Verification: A Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science, Second Edition, 141-166.

See Also

veriApply, FairSprErr


tm <- toymodel()
FairSprErr(tm$fcst, tm$obs)

## compute spread to error ratio using veriApply
veriApply("FairSprErr", fcst = tm$fcst, obs = tm$obs)

## compare with 'unfair' spread to error ratio
veriApply("EnsSprErr", fcst = tm$fcst, obs = tm$obs)

Generate Probabilistic Climatological Ensemble Forecast from Observations


To generate reference ensemble forecasts for forecast evaluation based on the available observations, indRef implements the out-of-sample or in-sample protocol to be used and generateRef produces the corresponding ensemble forecast given the actual observations.


  type = c("none", "forward", "crossval", "block"),
  indices = 1:nfcst,
  blocklength = 1

generateRef(obs, ind)



number of forecast instances to be produce


type of out-of-sample protocol to be applied (see below)


Subset of the observations / forecast times to be used for reference forecasts


for cross-validation and split-sample


vector of observations


list or matrix of dimension (n x nref) of indices of the observations to be used for each forecast instance



A list of indices to be used for each forecast from 1 to nfcst


Leave-one-out and leave-n-out cross-validation reference forecasts can be produced by setting type = "crossval". By default, the blocklength is set to 1, but moving blocks of length n can be specified by setting blocklength = n.

Split sample

In contrast to type="crossval", type="block" is used for split-sample validation with non-overlapping blocks of length blocklength retained for validation.


Correspondingly, reference forecasts that are only based on past (future) observations can be produced using type = "forward". For this, the first half of the reference forecasts only uses future information, i.e. observations 2:n for forecast 1, 3:n for 2 and so forth. The second half of the reference forecasts use only past observations, i.e. observations 1:(n-1) for forecast n, 1:(n-2) for n-1, etc.


In combination with the above, a subset of the observations can be specified for use as reference forecasts by providing the explicit indices of the observations to be used via indices=1:k. In combination with the forward method, all observations in indices will be used to construct the reference forecast for forecasts not included in indices (i.e. if nfcst > max(indices)).

Size of Array or Vector


Return dimension of array or length of vector.





array or vector

See Also



tm <- toymodel()

sapply(tm, size)

Create Example Forecast-Observation Pairs


This toy model lets you create forecast-observation pairs with specified ensemble and forecast size, correlation skill, and overconfidence (underdispersion) for application with the verification functionality provided as part of the easyVerification package.


toymodel(N = 35, nens = 51, alpha = 0.5, beta = 0)

toyarray(dims = c(10, 5), ...)



number of forecast instances


number of ensemble members


nominal correlation skill of forecasts


overconfidence parameter (see details)


independent (e.g. spatial) dimensions for the toy model


additional arguments passed to toymodel


The toy model is the TM2 model as introduced by Weigel and Bowler (2009) with a slight modification to allow for forecasts with negative correlation skill. In this toy model, the observations xx and forecasts fif_i are defined as follows:

x=μx+ϵxx = \mu_x + \epsilon_x

fi=α/αμx+ϵβ+ϵif_i = \alpha / |\alpha| \mu_x + \epsilon_{\beta} + \epsilon_i


μx N(0,α2)\mu_x ~ N(0, \alpha^2)

ϵx N(0,1α2)\epsilon_x ~ N(0, 1 - \alpha^2)

ϵβ N(0,β2)\epsilon_{\beta} ~ N(0, \beta^2)

ϵi N(0,1α2β2)\epsilon_i ~ N(0, 1 - \alpha^2 - \beta^2)

α21\alpha^2 \le 1

0β1α20 \le \beta \le 1 - \alpha^2


This toy model is intended to provide example forecast observation pairs and not to serve as a conceptual model to study real forecasts. For models to do the latter, please refer to Siegert et al. (2015).


A. Weigel and N. Bowler (2009). Comment on 'Can multi-model combination really enhance the prediction skill of probabilistic ensemble forecasts?'. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135, 535-539.

S. Siegert et al. (2015). A Bayesian framework for verification and recalibration of ensemble forecasts: How uncertain is NAO predictability? Preprint on ArXiv,


## compute the correlation for a toy forecast with default parameters
tm <- toyarray()
f.corr <- veriApply("EnsCorr", fcst = tm$fcst, obs = tm$obs)

Apply Verification Metrics to Large Datasets


This wrapper applies verification metrics to arrays of forecast ensembles and verifying observations. Various array-based data formats are supported. Additionally, continuous forecasts (and observations) are transformed to category forecasts using user-defined absolute thresholds or percentiles of the long-term climatology (see details).


  fcst.ref = NULL,
  tdim = length(dim(fcst)) - 1,
  ensdim = length(dim(fcst)),
  prob = NULL,
  threshold = NULL,
  strategy = "none",
  na.rm = FALSE,
  fracmin = 0.8,
  nmin = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE,
  maxncpus = 16,
  ncpus = NULL,



Name of function to compute verification metric (score, skill score)


array of forecast values (at least 2-dimensional)


array or vector of verifying observations


array of forecast values for the reference forecast (skill scores only)


index of dimension with the different forecasts


index of dimension with the different ensemble members


probability threshold for category forecasts (see below)


absolute threshold for category forecasts (see below)


type of out-of-sample reference forecasts or namelist with arguments as in indRef or list of indices for each forecast instance


logical, should incomplete forecasts be used?


fraction of forecasts that are not-missing for forecast to be evaluated. Used to determine nmin when is.null(nmin)


number of forecasts that are not-missing for forecast to be evaluated. If both nmin an d fracmin are set, nmin takes precedence


logical, should parallel execution of verification be used (see below)?


upper bound for self-selected number of CPUs


number of CPUs used in parallel computation, self-selected number of CPUs is used when is.null(ncpus) (the default).


additional arguments passed to verifun

List of functions to be called

The selection of verification functions supplied with this package and as part of SpecsVerification can be enquired using ls(pos='package:easyVerification') and ls(pos='package:SpecsVerification') respectively. Please note, however, that only some of the functions provided as part of SpecsVerification can be used with veriApply. Functions that can be used include for example the (fair) ranked probability score EnsRps, FairRps, and its skill score EnsRpss, FairRpss, or the continuous ranked probability score EnsCrps, etc.

Conversion to category forecasts

To automatically convert continuous forecasts into category forecasts, absolute (threshold) or relative thresholds (prob) have to be supplied. For some scores and skill scores (e.g. the ROC area and skill score), a list of categories will be supplied with categories ordered. That is, if prob = 1:2/3 for tercile forecasts, cat1 corresponds to the lower tercile, cat2 to the middle, and cat3 to the upper tercile.

Absolute and relative thresholds can be supplied in various formats. If a vector of thresholds is supplied with the threshold argument, the same threshold is applied to all forecasts (e.g. lead times, spatial locations). If a vector of relative thresholds is supplied using prob, the category boundaries to be applied are computed separately for each space-time location. Relative boundaries specified using prob are computed separately for the observations and forecasts, but jointly for all available ensemble members.

Location specific thresholds can also be supplied. If the thresholds are supplied as a matrix, the number of rows has to correspond to the number of forecast space-time locations (i.e. same length as length(fcst)/prod(dim(fcst)[c(tdim, ensdim)])). Alternatively, but equivalently, the thresholds can also be supplied with the dimensionality corresponding to the obs array with the difference that the forecast dimension in obs contains the category boundaries (absolute or relative) and thus may differ in length.

Out-of-sample reference forecasts

strategy specifies the set-up of the climatological reference forecast for skill scores if no explicit reference forecast is provided. The default is strategy = "none", that is all available observations are used as equiprobable members of a reference forecast. Alternatively, strategy = "crossval" can be used for leave-one-out crossvalidated reference forecasts, or strategy = "forward" for a forward protocol (see indRef).

Alternatively, a list with named parameters corresponding to the input arguments of indRef can be supplied for more fine-grained control over standard cases. Finally, also a list with observation indices to be used for each forecast can be supplied (see generateRef).

Parallel processing

Parallel processing is enabled using the parallel package. Parallel verification is using ncpus FORK clusters or, if ncpus are not specified, one less than the autod-etected number of cores. The maximum number of cores used for parallel processing with auto-detection of the number of available cores can be set with the maxncpus argument.

Progress bars are available for non-parallel computation of the verification metrics. Please note, however, that the progress bar only indicates the time of computation needed for the actual verification metrics, input and output re-arrangement is not included in the progress bar.


If the forecasts and observations are only available as category probabilities (or ensemble counts as used in SpecsVerification) as opposed to as continuous numeric variables, veriApply cannot be used but the atomic verification functions for category forecasts have to be applied directly.

Out-of-sample reference forecasts are not fully supported for categorical forecasts defined on the distribution of forecast values (e.g. using the argument prob). Whereas only the years specified in strategy are used for the reference forecasts, the probability thresholds for the reference forecasts are defined on the collection of years specified in strategy.

See Also

convert2prob for conversion of continuous into category forecasts (and observations)


tm <- toyarray() <- veriApply("EnsMe", tm$fcst, tm$obs)

## find more examples and instructions in the vignette
## Not run: 
devtools::install_github("MeteoSwiss/easyVerification", build_vignettes = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Unwrap Arguments and Hand Over to Verification Function


Decomposes input arguments into forecast, verifying observations, and reference forecast and hands these over to the function provided.


  nind = c(nens = ncol(x) - 1, nref = 0, nobs = 1, nprob = 0, nthresh = 0),
  ref.ind = NULL,



n x k + 1 matrix with n forecasts of k ensemble members plus the verifying observations


character string with function name to be executed


named vector with number of ensemble members, ensemble members of reference forecasts, observations (defaults to 1), probability or absolute thresholds (see details)


list with specifications for the reference forecast (see details)


additional arguments passed on to verifun


Forecast verification metrics are only computed for forecasts with non-missing verifying observation and at least one non-missing ensemble member. Metrics for all other forecasts are set to missing. For aggregate metrics (e.g. skill scores) the metric is computed over non-missing observation/forecast pairs only.

For computation of skill scores, reference forecasts can be provided. That is, the first nens columns of x contain the forecasts, the (nens + 1):(ncol(x) - 1) following columns contain the reference forecast, and the final column contains the observations. If no reference forecast is provided (i.e. ncol(x) == nens + 1), a climatological forecast is constructed from the n verifying observations.

The elements of vector nind have to be named with nens containing the number of ensemble members, nref the number of ensemble members in the reference forecast for skill scores, nobs the number of observations (only one supported), nprob the number of probability thresholds, and nthresh the number of absolute threshold for conversion of continuous forecasts to category forecasts.

ref.ind specifies the set-up of the climatological reference forecast for skill scores if no explicit reference forecast is provided (see indRef). Also, ref.ind is used to determine the baseline to estimate the percentile-based category boundaries to convert continuous forecasts to category probabilities.


Out-of-sample reference forecasts are now fully supported.

See Also


Compute Reliability Categories as in Weisheimer et al. (2014)


This function implements the reliability categorisation for forecasts of binary events as documented in Weisheimer et al. (2014). It has only been implemented for category forecasts with categories defined relative to the forecast and observed climatological distribution (i.e. without systematic bias).


  pthresh = 2/3,
  nboot = 100,
  brier.thresholds = seq(0, 1, 0.2),



n x k matrix of n forecasts from k ensemble members


n verifying observations


probability threshold to convert to category forecasts. If negative, event falling below threshold is used, else, event above threshold is used.


number of bootstrap replicates to estimate 75 percent confidence interval


Thresholds used to bin the forecasts (see brier)


additional arguments for compatibility with other scores